CEO Letter – March

In the quest for sustainable solutions and the vital shift away from fossil fuels, innovations in green technology like those from Circular Water Technologies (CWT) spotlight a hopeful path forward. CWT’s pioneering efforts in producing ultrapure water serve as a cornerstone for manufacturing industries, green hydrogen production, and the purification of polluted process water. Our […]

CEO Letter – November

Dear shareholder, It has been a while since you got a letter from me. There are some positive things I would like to share with you although the commercialisation of our solution isn´t going as fast as I would like. Our first commercial production line for proprietary core components is ready in Tyresö outside of […]

Bäste framtida aktieägare i Circular Water Technologies CWT

CWT etablerades år 2021 som publikt aktiebolag och bygger på flera decenniers forskning i samar- bete med bland andra Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KLTH) och Svenska Miljöforskningsinstitutet (IVL). Grundtekniken som CWT använder har testats i mer än tio år på Sjöstadsverket (Henriksdals vattenverk). Baserat på resultaten från dessa tester har konstruktionen uppdaterats och patentsökts. CWT bygger […]